Thursday, January 29, 2009

...and one more thing

In myITlab I have uploaded the instructions for the Presentation project, including the Powerpoint I used today.

The same file is available on Blackhawk-->Courses - in the CSB lab, go to My Network Places-->Blackhawk-->Courses-->Tom Rule folder. You'll see the Powerpoint file, plus a webpage that will call up the form where you'll tell me what "job" you want to do.

Now that you're thinking about it - go take care of this!


OK, there's more than one thing:
  1. I'm starting to do some talking at the start of class, getting you ready for certain things coming up. If you don't come, you'll miss it - and viewing the Powerpoint file t'ain't the same thing as hearing me blather on.
  2. There is an upcoming update of myITlab - beginning Saturday 2/7 at 11:45 PM EST and ending Sunday 2/8 at 10:00 AM EST. myITLab will be DOWN - so make sure you get yer stuff done by the due date.

Presentation Project signup

Today I'm introducing the first "misc mini-project". If you missed it, the powerpoint is in myITlab. There's also a place online for you to indicate what "job" you want to do - se the powerpoint for more info.

There's a link on the Facebook group as well as on the last slide of the pwoerpoint file.

First come, first served!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A few notes for Thursday 1/22/09

  1. Remember the RESET button when taking a myITlab exam. Press it after every time you get something correct.
  2. There's an advice blog entry - see the link over there on the right side of the screen. Check it out - it'll save you some headaches.
  3. Anytime you have a dinky technical glitch, or you find the solution to a problem - put it on the Facebook group. Take advantage of "the social"......
  4. I added a blog entry PLUS a Facebook group link to the MS Office for $60 deal.
  5. The BEST process for this class:

    1. myITlab PPT Chapter 1 training
    2. myITlab PPT Chapter 1 test
    3. Additional training if needed
    4. PPT 1 Capstone
    5. Then on to Chapter 2, etc etc

  6. Remember that there will be some additional stuff - that's going to be listed in the Misc Mini Projects folder in myITlab.
  7. Don't use the Gradebook in myITlab to figure your average - it isn't setup to. Switch to "Custom reports", which will list only the grades that "count". You can download them to a CSV file, which Excel can open.
  8. On Blackboard (the server we looked at on Tuesday) I will be placing any presentations done in class, plus a gradebook where you can calculate your average in the class.
  9. Remember that the labs in the CSB building are open until midnight - hopefully beginning next week. Use them when your machine is flaky, or you don't have Office '07, or you want to sit in a super-heated room to do computing.
  10. If you don't really know your OS (XP or Vista), then I STRONGLY suggest you take a look at the Vista or XP tour available in myITlab. You'll probably be surprised at the little things you'll pick up.

Have a weekend!

Miscrosoft Office link

Here's where College students can get Office for $60 - direct from Microsoft.

The catches:
  1. It's a download only - so you'll need to make a backup
  2. You have to have a valid college email address
  3. ...and a credit card

OK - those are minor, but still.......

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Welcome to Spring 2009!

This is an entry to mark the beginning of yet another semester. If you have already survived the class, that means you forgot to UNSUBSCRIBE from the list. instructions should be down there at the bottom of this message somewhere. I hope you had a great Christ-mas!

Feel free to stay on the list, but you probably have enough clutter in your inbox already.

A short concise list of Things You'll Need for this class:
myITlab login code (is available online for $65 if you purchased your book used. Is also supposed to be available from the bookstore for less.)
Thumb drive / Flash Drive - I suggest at least a 1gig size for convenience.
Place to take notes
Facebook account
Microsoft Office 2007 (DO NOT GO OUT AN BUY THIS AT RETAIL - I'll talk about it in class)