Thursday, January 22, 2009

A few notes for Thursday 1/22/09

  1. Remember the RESET button when taking a myITlab exam. Press it after every time you get something correct.
  2. There's an advice blog entry - see the link over there on the right side of the screen. Check it out - it'll save you some headaches.
  3. Anytime you have a dinky technical glitch, or you find the solution to a problem - put it on the Facebook group. Take advantage of "the social"......
  4. I added a blog entry PLUS a Facebook group link to the MS Office for $60 deal.
  5. The BEST process for this class:

    1. myITlab PPT Chapter 1 training
    2. myITlab PPT Chapter 1 test
    3. Additional training if needed
    4. PPT 1 Capstone
    5. Then on to Chapter 2, etc etc

  6. Remember that there will be some additional stuff - that's going to be listed in the Misc Mini Projects folder in myITlab.
  7. Don't use the Gradebook in myITlab to figure your average - it isn't setup to. Switch to "Custom reports", which will list only the grades that "count". You can download them to a CSV file, which Excel can open.
  8. On Blackboard (the server we looked at on Tuesday) I will be placing any presentations done in class, plus a gradebook where you can calculate your average in the class.
  9. Remember that the labs in the CSB building are open until midnight - hopefully beginning next week. Use them when your machine is flaky, or you don't have Office '07, or you want to sit in a super-heated room to do computing.
  10. If you don't really know your OS (XP or Vista), then I STRONGLY suggest you take a look at the Vista or XP tour available in myITlab. You'll probably be surprised at the little things you'll pick up.

Have a weekend!


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