Sunday, December 07, 2008

Survey (aka "Third Outside Project") posted on Blackboard

The last, final, and ultimate project has just been posted on Blackboard. The deadline is Wednesday night - it's only 7 questions long, and shouldn't take too long to complete.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Twitter, plus a final exam note

1) After all my blathering on the other day about how I couldn't figure out a real reason to use it, I run across this article telling me why every indie musician should be on Twitter. (I'm not sure I agree, but at least there does seem to be a legit use for it, though I can't imagine why anyone would want to see a picture of a weird burrito during their workday - read the article and you'll understand)

in myITlab - using "training" style questions instead of "project" style.
You MAY bring your text and/or notes for use during the test.

I do suggest looking over the projects and training you've done to soo what you were required to do. Make sure you remember how to do them.

You will have 10 attempts per question.


See you!
9:25 CSB class: Tuesday December 9, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
10:50 STET class: Monday December 8, 9:00am – 12:00 noon

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Word Capstone 4 - Got a Mic?

There's a section that asks you to record some audio inside a Word doc. If you have a mic, please do that. If you don't, put a sentence to that affect somewhere where I'll easily see it.

If you tried a whole bunch of times to get it to work, and still couldn't (probably because audio on Windows can be seriously aggravating) - tell me your saga inside the document.

Presentation Scoring (FINALLY!)

I have finally put a dent in scoring the presentations. You should be able to see what your score is - AND download a pdf of the details, including comments. There is a tiff file (an image) explaining what everything is on the main Blackboard page.

If you DON'T see your score, that means either I haven't graded it yet (as I write this there are only 3 that haven't been graded), or you didn't submit a word doc as instructed.

If true, you have 2 options. 1) Wait until next week to see your score, or 2) submit a word doc. It doesn't matter what's in it, because you've already missed your deadline by several weeks. I can't submit a grade, though, until you've submitted something (unless the project deadline has passed).

Monday, December 01, 2008

Privacy is dead

Haven't mentioned this in a while - but please remember that anything you do online is public, especially on the social sites (facebook, myspace, etc).

For an example: read this article!

(Granted, they were idiots, but the point remains valid!)