Monday, September 29, 2008

Something to check, a word of advice, & a warning

Something to check:
If you've already submitted an Excel Capstone project, please go into Blackboard and see if your submission is still valid. If it isn't, resubmit.

I added some instructions to the projects, and I get a warning message - but I am not clear on how that affects files already submitted. Please let me know what happened!

A Word of Advice:
Do NOT wait until October 9th to start these projects. They WILL take a long time to figure out.

Once you've done myITlab chapter One, then work on Capstone Project 1. etc. etc.

Your brain will thank you.

I WILL take points off for late projects (you can actually turn it in 23 hours past the deadline).
I will NOT tell you when you submitted a shortcut instead of the actual file this time - your grade will just be a zero on that one.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Group Presentation List & Schedule (04/09/09 update)

Presentation Possibilities
(additional notes are just suggestions, NOT a list of what should be covered. The TEAM should decide how to focus, what should be covered, etc.)
  1. CPU overview: what’s available, difference, best uses (target markets) advantages and disadvantages, pricing, which ones are best for what type of use
  2. Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux: feature comparision, advantages and disadvantages, practicality for home, business, students……
  3. Protect Yourself, you fool! – best way to keep bad stuff from happening to you online
  4. Internet connection options – personal, business, corporate, enterprise, compare and contrast, pricing
  5. Twitter – personal uses, business uses (good & bad), tips for using well, description of what it is
  6. Linked In– personal uses, business uses (good & bad), tips for using well, description of what it is
  7. Facebook– personal uses, business uses (good & bad), tips for using well, description of what it is
  8. Myspace– personal uses, business uses (good & bad), tips for using well, description of what it is
  9. Top 10 presentation tips – keep your audience from going to sleep, maybe thigns to avoid?
  10. 5 (or 10) things about Excel you didn’t know you could do
  11. 5 (or 10) things about Word you didn’t know you could do
  12. 5 (or 10) things about PowerPoint you didn’t know you could do
  13. Podcasting, Vodcasting, and Business – Why bother/ (Note: NOT “how to” – more of “best uses of for business”, or maybe you could include what NOT to do, and give some examples)
  14. Backups – why, how, how often, options survey – advantages/disadvantages of internet backups, tape, hard drives…….
  15. Digital cameras shopping guide - feature overview, computer connections options, specs to pay attention to, pricing
  16. Email – keep it from ruining your life
  17. Keeping your computer sane – maintenance tips for Macs, Linux, Windows
  18. Networking – setup, compare options, hardware, setup, how to see what’s available on the network, access a printer, copy files……
  19. Online Collaboration Services: You want me to work with WHO? – what’s out there, what you can do, what it costs, limitations. Ex., Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro,,
  20. Top 5 (or 10) things about Access you didn’t know you could do
  21. Copyright in the digital age – practical guidelines for staying legal, what is copyright, why it’s important
  22. Writing for the web – tips & tricks to make sure your material gets read
  23. Top ways to make sure your website sucks – with examples
  24. I’ve got all these files, now what? – getting your digital life organized and keeping it that way.
  25. Classroom vs. Online training – which is better, for what type of c lass? Advantages, disadvantages, what each requires of the student
  26. If no one visits your website, does it really exist? – Top SEO Tips (search engine optimization)
  27. Top 10 strange things you can do online – stuff that’s actually interesting and/or useful
  28. Come up with your own – but clear it with me before proceeding.
Presentation Dates

9:25 class

Date - Team - Topic
Mar 24
Mar 26
Mar 31
Apr 2
Apr 7
Apr 9
Apr 14 - Picture Perfect - Digital Cameras
Apr 16
Apr 21
Apr 23
Apr 28 - Website Design (How to make it suck) - Meredith/Brielle/Emily

10:40 class
Date - Team - Topic
Mar 24
Mar 26
Mar 31
Apr 2
Apr 7 - Alicia/Justin/Brooke - Facebook
Apr 9
Apr 14
Apr 16 - Ryan/Philip/Zach- StumbleUpon
Apr 21 - Nicolas/Kelly/Luke - MySpace
Apr 23 - Angelina&Co - MSN Messenger/IM stuff
Apr 28

EVERYTHING needs to be turned in before 11:59 pm the date of your presentation. Yes, you’ll lose points if you don’t. Doublecheck the “What to turn in” section of this document - EACH member of the team has something to turn in!.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Groove, OneNote demos


Check to see if you have these tools by going to Start-->Microsoft Office, and look for Groove and oneNote in the list. These are NOT mandatory - but if you have them, it would be good to know what they do!



These tools are good tools when researching and collaborating on a project. The CSB labs are all equipped with them - however, I'd suggest NOT using them in the labs, since the data is stored on the individual PC. I presume the Stetson labs have it as well.

My initial impression is that Groove is used for teams to work together. OneNote is used more by an individual to keep a whole bunch of stuff organized - and it integrates with Outlook quite nicely (especially if you use Outlooks calendar and task lists).

Monday, September 15, 2008

I don't have Office 07 - What do I do?

I had someone in a situation where they were needed to work on a Capstone proejct away from their "areas", and the computers inq uestion only had Office 03 on them.

Microsoft has a "compatibility pack" that can be downloaded and installed into Office 03 so that it can read and write Office 07 files (docx, xlsx, pptx, etc.). Granted, this information would not have helped the person in question this last weekend (because the computers wqere probably locked down, and they would not have been able to do any installs).

The Office 2007 Converters are located here.

There are also a TON of additional downloads/extensions/spare parts you can add to Office 03 AND 07.

Surf to --> Downloads
Scroll down, click on the "Office 2003" or "Office 2007" tab.

You should see a bunch of stuff you can download. For Office 07,. I STRONGLY suggest you download the PDF thing - it will add the capability of saving your do as a PDF file, very handy when mailing something to someone who doesn't have Office, and you just want them to read it (not make changes).