Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Presentation Project update

I hope to add in the contacts this morning - at the moment I just updated the blog posting about the project with the possible dates and the possible topics (lifted directly from the instruction sheet).

It is here:


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Powerpoint Presentations article

Click on the title of this entry to see an excellent article on making your powerpoint better - will be useful when your group start creating your presentation.

If you haven't contacted your group members, you need to get on tit!

Just to make sure - the article is at

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Sign up NOW! plus a capstone note... & a resource

1) CLICK HERE NOW to sign up for a presentation job. I'll be assigning groups in the next several days, to get the first "outside mini project" started.

2) One of the capstone projects has you save a template. The instructions tell you to save the file with a .pptx extension. THIS IS WRONG! It should be a .potx extension. Sorry 'bout that!

3) Look on the blog at the links list, on the right. See the one marked "Class Files Stash"? You can access the syllabus, plus any presentation files I use in class. It will come in handy later!